12 Kids Who Got Trolled Online Badly By Their Parents In The Most Hilarious Way

The worst day in every kid’s life is the day when their parents step into the online world and send them a friend request. They behave like detectives and stalk every action you make online. However, some kids got trolled for stupidity by their parents so bad that we could not help but make a listicle of the same.

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Here are 12 kids and their incredibly savage parents who trolled them online in probably the worst way you could imagine.

1. Obviously, mom! Even I was thinking the same. What else could it be? I always knew you were talking about whatever I was holding in my hand. It is a nice virgin drink. Duh!

kids parents online trolled



2. Tony Hawk should get the parent of the year award. One fine day, when I would become a dad, even I am going to do something similar if my kids fight over video games. This is probably the coolest thing you can do to your kid. Just kidding!

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3. At least you know this xoxo is not coming from a fake profile. Well, this could be the purest source of getting this message.

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4. This savage dad didn’t even hesitate for a second to troll one of his kids online. He just got trolled so badly. Well, pro tip – Never ever add your parents on Facebook. It is like your wife to your bachelor’s party.

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5. If moms of a bunch of friends are friends with each other, then it is definite that at one or the other moments in life, your life is surely going to become a huge troll. These dudes clicked what looked like a perfectly fine selfie at a game. However, this was only until their moms decided to remake the picture and tell them how stupid they looked.

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kids parents online trolled



6. Fun fact – Google is a search engine. Facebook is a social networking site. Thank you!

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7. Both of them are almost the same pictures, just the one on right is much cooler than that on the left.

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8. Telepathy!

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9. Hey, it is an awesome movie. It is really a great movie, indeed. You should definitely watch it. I think it deserves an Oscar.

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10. Well, his mom made sure that he knew how idiotic his thinking was.

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11. You know its time to unfriend your parents and set you profile to private when they team up and you get trolled badly.

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12. Or else you won’t be able to access social media ever again, Terry!

kids parents online trolled


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Source: Sarcasm
12 Kids Who Got Trolled Online Badly By Their Parents In The Most Hilarious Way 12 Kids Who Got Trolled Online Badly By Their Parents In The Most
Hilarious Way Reviewed by Chitwan Info Tech on 8:31:00 PM Rating: 5

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