These 10 Signs Show That Your Relationship Will Last Forever

It’s very natural to want a partner who’ll stick with you till the end. Everyone wants someone that they can return home to. Someone that makes them feel safe, stable and satisfied. You think you’ve found the right person until the apprehension kicks in. This is when you start to wonder if there’s any guarantee about where your relationship with them will go. Will they stick with you till the end? Or will you lose them and end up heartbroken? How can you know whether your bond will last? Well, lucky for you, there is a way to be sure. Following are ten signs that decide whether your relationship will last forever:

1. When You Need To Tell Them Something, You Only Have To Focus On What To Say, Instead of How To Say It

It’s true that one should always weigh their words before speaking them. You don’t want to have any slip-ups that you can’t later correct. Also, you don’t want to be judged for something you said on impulse and did not really mean. It’s understandable that your dignity and reputation are precious to you, and so, it’s important for you to speak wisely.

But here’s the thing: The rule only applies to social interactions. When it comes to your significant other, the trust should be strong enough that you can speak your mind without being judged. You should both be comfortable with the idea of mistakes, and not fret over little mishaps.  There should be enough room to work things out. If your relationship is that open, it will surely go a long way.

2. You Treat Each Other The Way You Want To Be Treated

If you feel like you’re the only one struggling to keep things steady, you need to reconsider some things. Inequality will eat up your relationship. None of you should be superior or inferior to the other. Talking over the other, yelling, having your way every time, not negotiating before making important decisions that affect the both of you; these are all signs of inequality. Make sure that you or your partner, are not getting that kind of leverage.

3. You Never Talk About Your Partner’s Shortcomings In Public

Not even jokingly. One of you should NOT be reporting to a third party about ‘the laundry you still haven’t got around to doing’ or ‘just how annoying it is when you don’t put your shoes in place after taking them off.’ There is really no excuse for one to be discussing the other’s flaws with anyone else but them. Instead, you should always have each other’s back. If your partner is being badmouthed, it’s your responsibility to defend them, even if they were at fault. You can later tell them to correct their mistake or improve for the better but you need to be their support system. And support always mean confiding in each other – not external sources.

4. In Case Of Bad News, Your Partner Should Be The First Person You Want To Inform, Not The Last

Are they really your partner, if you don’t turn to them to seek help? A good relationship is where there is transparency between the two. You shouldn’t have to worry about making a mistake and letting them know of it. Both of you should be able to have conversations about your bad habits and how you sometimes fail. And please note that these conversations should be free of judgment, of course. If you trust that your partner will always be there for you, whether the time is good or bad, then it means that your relationship will live a long life.

5. You Want The Best For Each Other

Research suggests that healthy couples stay together much longer than those couples that disregard their mental and physical health. If your partner cares about whether you’re feeding yourself well or getting those kilometers of jogging done, it’s a sign. Your partner doesn’t need to shower you with gifts to care about you. Just the fact that they wish the best for you is enough. And it’ll show in their gestures that they care. Maybe they woke up early to prepare a surprise breakfast for you. Or maybe they got you some new makeup because they happened to cross by your favorite store. All of this count.

6. You Value Each Other’s Time And Money

Your partner is your best friend, so you should want to spend the maximum amount of your time with them. If your job takes up most of your day, and you usually get home late for dinner, chances are that your partner will leave you. They want to be your first priority and you can’t blame them because let’s are honest – you want the same from them. Also, if your partner is splurging, and it’s your hard-earned money that they’re using, that’s not a good sign. If they don’t respect your property, then they most likely won’t respect you. Exploitation equals to mortal relationships.

7. You Give Each Other Space When Needed

It could be because your old dog passed away at your parent’s house or because you recently moved in and are trying to get used to living with your honey. In any case, if your partner is giving you the space you asked for, don’t mistake it for indifference. They understand that your healing process will take some time, and so they’re willing to let go only because they want the best for you.

8. You’re Grateful For Each Other

If you’re not taking your partner for granted and at times you still yourself in amazement at how you scored someone like your partner; you’re in it for the long run. Exchanging THANK YOUs and apologizing first are signs that show how much gratitude each person has for the other.

9. You Get Along With Each Other’s Friends

Or at least try to. Both of you should like the other’s friend circle. It’s one thing to not be used to a certain type of crowd, but to avoid it altogether? That’s some dangerous territory. If they like you enough, they’ll like your friends too. Usually, a person’s personality is a result of the company they hang out with. So if your friends aren’t making the cut for your partner, soon enough you won’t either.


10. You Are Never Jealous Of Each Other

This goes without saying. I’ve already mentioned that in a long-lasting relationship, one should want the best for the other. Jealousy contradicts that. If your partner envies your success or tries to compete with you, it’s a bad sign. Some competition is healthy, though. For instance, if your partner did the laundry this week, you go out of your way to do the dishes. But if your partner is trying to get you demoted at work, only because you’re earning a lot more than them – ditch them before things get messy.

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Source: Sarcasm
These 10 Signs Show That Your Relationship Will Last Forever These 10 Signs Show That Your Relationship Will Last Forever Reviewed by Chitwan Info Tech on 11:01:00 PM Rating: 5

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