Getting over your ex is difficult and no matter how much you try you can never really forget them. But it becomes almost next to impossible when you date someone with the same name as your ex. Yeah, that just happened and these people are facing some pretty cringing confusions!
If you too are planning to date someone with the same name as your ex, prepare yourself for some really cringing confusions!
1. Well, you really kind of make sense. But don’t you feel awkward?
2. Um, okay Mr. Smarty Pants, tell me one thing, why did you do it then?
3. Yep, you definitely do have a type!
4. Whoa! That is not some healthy advice to be followed. Please do no follow that!
5. I don’t really like where you’re getting at!
6. Either he still isn’t over you. Or, he is really obsessed with that name.
7. Well, having the same name as your ex-doesn’t really make her the same person you know!
8. Yeah! That is something really thoughtful and useful.
9. Whoa, dude! What were you thinking?10. Um, I’m confused, why did you break up in the first place itself?
11. You definitely need to report him, girl! He is really giving me all the creeps.
12. Um, then do you really think that he will actually ever love you for who you are?!
13. Then you shouldn’t let your ex-ruin it for you.
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14. well, they’re not the same guy.
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16. Trust me he doesn’t or else he wouldn’t have made you his girlfriend in the first place.
17. Wow, looks like you people are pretty much into each other.
18. You sure as hell did!
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19. You’re not, they aren’t the same people. Get this straight!
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20. Well, get over it. Because he sure as hell has gotten over you.
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Source: Sarcasm
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