Squats can tune up your whole body including your booty and not only that, it can also help you to run faster and lose weight, significantly!
If you want to shape your booty

Back-loaded squats better challenge your posterior chain and can help you to get a tighter booty. Two or three times per week, perform three to five sets of six to 10 reps. Avoid bouncing and using momentum, and focus on squeezing your glutes with every rep.
If you want to lose weight
You need high volume to amp the muscle-building, fat-burning effect which will help you to lose weight. Once or twice a week, perform six sets of five reps of a loaded squat (goblet or back) at 50 to 60 percent of the max weight. (Choose a load that feels challenging by the third rep of each set.)
If you want to run faster

Build power with heavy front squats (75 percent of max weight), three to five sets of three to five reps. On other days, do Bulgarian split squats (a lunge in which your back leg is bent, foot on a bench), three sets of 10 per side. Do each once or twice weekly and you’ll be able to run faster, and faster.
Squats should never be marketed as one-size-fits-all. Nobody is anatomically perfect like Da Vinci’s diagrams. While you should play around with all types of squats, tweaking your form to accommodate your body’s restrictions, especially the build of your individual levers (a.k.a. your limbs), can make the move more suitable—and efficient—for you. Check out these eight types of squats:

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Source: Sarcasm
Here’s How You Can Use Squats To Get a Tighter Booty, Lose Weight and
Run Faster!
Reviewed by Chitwan Info Tech
5:10:00 PM

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